Life from Here to There

Everywhere life takes us

Status Update: Posts, Music Monday, Design, and More!

Hello everyone! This is just a quick recap of what has been going on lately.


I’ve been under the gun at work for some time now getting some major projects out the door. Because of those projects, posting on a regular basis was nearly impossible. Now that all those projects are finished, posting more frequently should become a reality. Yay!

Music Monday

One of thing I have tried to do consistently is start and keep active a new spot called Music Monday. I listen to A LOT of music. Music Monday is my way of (a) not forgetting some of my favorite songs, and (b) sharing a little piece of what I enjoy and hopefully turn your ears to songs you would have otherwise dismissed. There is no set genre from which I pull. The songs I post are all over the board, so check it out every week for something new. My hope is maybe some of my favorites will become your favorites as well.


If you haven’t noticed the new site design yet then you’re not visiting the site enough 🙂 kidding. I would love to take credit for putting this together, but honestly, I don’t have the time. So instead I opted to use a theme named Hueman by Alexander Agnarson. It is a fantastic theme. Super flexible, responsive, and hosted on Github (open-source code community). I’m really digging it and it’s meeting all of my needs thus far.

More stuff!

I have added two cool new features I think will enhance your experience on the site.

  1. There is a sign up at the bottom of the site to receive updates via email. Just drop your email address in the field and when I post updates, they will be delivered straight to your inbox. Don’t worry, I’m not going to sell your email address to the highest bidder (unless the offer is REALLY good 🙂 haha .. just kidding).
  2. There is a new contact page. If you would like to get in touch with me, but do not feel comfortable leaving a comment on the site, this is your opportunity to do so. Or do you have that burning idea you think would make a great post, pass it my way and I’ll do what I can to entertain it. Have a great song you’d love to see featured on Music Monday? This is your way of passing it to me.

Well that about wraps it up for now. And remember, if you enjoy the content you find here, please help spread the word.

Zach out.

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