Love me some Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s T10T is the Top 10 Places I want to visit. These are in no particular order EXCEPT the #1 spot.
#10 – Little Debbie snacks
Top 3 in order of importance: (1) strawberry shortcake rolls, (2) oatmeal cream pie, (3) zebra cakes

#9 – Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Any kind is the good kind, but my granny’s is the best kind.

#8 – Krispy Kreme (Hot Now)
Notice the “Hot Now” distinction. That is important to note.

#7 – Buffalo Chicken (anything)
I must stress, absolutely no celery. Also, ranch over blue cheese.

#6 – Waffles
I would say I’m partial to a certain type or brand, but any waffles will do.

#5 – Seafood
I realize this is more of a type of food rather than a specific food item. It’s just too hard to narrow it down.

#4 – Brunswick Stew
This is about one of the few ways I will consume vegetables without thinking about it.

#3 – Pizza
I used to ONLY eat pepperoni pizza. Only when I hit my late teens/early 20’s did really I start branching out.

#2 – Eggs
While I’ll take eggs any way they’re made, sunny-side up or eggs with mayo are preferred.

#1 – Lasagna
I love Alyson’s lasagna. Even though she would say I’m supposed to say that, I am supposed to because it’s true.

Well, are you hungry yet?? I know I am. I think I’ll pick something off this list to eat now. I wonder what I’ll choose… What would you choose?