Welcome to the inaugural Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s T10T is the Top 10 Places I want to visit. These are in no particular order EXCEPT the #1 spot. Hopefully, over time I’ll be able to go back to this post and check off all the places I have visited.
#10 – Australia

#9 – Fiji

#8 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

#7 – Mayan Ruins

#6 – Shanghai, China

#5 – Cairo, Egypt

#4 – Jerusalem, Israel

#3 – Nepal

#2 – Germany

#1b – Scotland

#1a – Ireland

Okay, you got me, #1 is actually 2 places. I couldn’t decide between either Ireland or Scotland to which I wanted to visit the most. Since they are in such close proximity to one another, I figured I could just visit both at the same time.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my Top 10 (11) Places to Visit. Do you share any of my places from your list or do you have some additions of your own? Sound off in the comments.